- Ramadan, a blessed month of fasting, Where hearts and souls are rekindling, With every dawn, a new beginning, And every sunset, a grateful ending.
- A time to reflect and repent, To cleanse our minds, hearts, and souls, To ask for forgiveness and blessings, And to strive towards our ultimate goal.
- For the believers, it’s a time of devotion, A time to focus on their spiritual mission, To pray, to read, to meditate, And to seek Allah’s divine intervention.
- It’s a time to practice self-restraint, To control our desires and impulses, To learn patience, perseverance, And to appreciate the blessings we possess.
- It’s a time to share with the less fortunate, To feel their pain and empathize, To give charity and help alleviate, The suffering of those who are deprived.
- Ramadan is a month of unity, Where Muslims around the world unite, In worship, in charity, and in love, As one community, with a common sight.
- It’s a time to break the fast together, To celebrate the end of each day, To cherish the moments of togetherness, And to thank Allah for his mercy and grace.
- Ramadan is a reminder of our mortality, A call to reflect on the purpose of our existence, To seek guidance and enlightenment, And to strengthen our faith and persistence.
- So let us welcome this blessed month, With open hearts and minds, Let us make the most of every moment, And leave our sins and worries behind.
- May Allah bless us with His mercy, And guide us on the path of righteousness, May He accept our prayers and supplications, And grant us His forgiveness and happiness.
- Ramadan Mubarak!
Mohamed Eid